Tribe - Johnson & Stroman : 1993

Tribe is an American comic book published first in 1993. Created by Todd Johnson and Larry Stroman, Tribe launched as part of Image Comics' second round of titles. 

Tribe was a comic book about the adventures of a predominantly African-American and minority superhero group based in Brooklyn, New York. During its limited run, the plot of Tribe centered on their conflicts with a conglomerate of European and Japanese techno-pirates known as Europan, which had a mysterious connection to a power-crazed, armor-clad villain known as "Lord Deus". The final issue also featured an appearance by Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, even positing an alternate origin for the character

Tribe issue #1 published by Image Comics 1993, #2-3 published by Axis Comics 1993-1994, #4 (labeled #0) published by Good Comics 1996
